In the past I’ve created a blog post about managing the default fonts for Outlook. Someone replied to this post asking if this is also possible for the new Outlook client. This led to some investigations and this blogpost.
Currently, it seems not possible to modify the default fonts locally using the registry/PowerShell. For admins there’s a method available to manage some settings using the Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration cmdlet.
The documentation currently states that it only applies to Outlook Web. This is not true. Some settings do work for the new Outlook client. For example the default font and font-size setting.
Change the default font and font-size
Currently my new Outlook uses the following font (Arial) and font-size (12).
- Connect to ExchangeOnline via Powershell
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <UPN>
2. Change the font and font-size
Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration -Identity -DefaultFontName Calibri -DefaultFontSize 11
Restart the new Outlook client and verify your changes.
Change the default font and size for all mailboxes
If you want this setting for every mailbox/user you might want to use the following script. Make sure to modify the command to your required font and font-size.
# Query all the mailboxes
$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
# Loop through each mailbox
foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) {
# Apply desired settings
Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration -Identity $mailbox.Identity -DefaultFontName Calibri -DefaultFontSize 11
Thanks for the useful post! I wish Microsoft would implement a setting to also set the default font for New mailboxes.
Furthermore I would recommend to use $mailbox.UserPrincipalName instead of Identity, because you can run into the issue of “The operation couldn’t be performed because ‘mailbox name’ matches multiple entries”. The UPN is always unique.
Thanks, this works fine but I need to do it for old outlook. I have found lots of different solutions. But as your above works well for new outlook I was wondering your thoughts on old outlook
The link to the article for classic outlook is shown in row 1:
This is really nice, but it sets the default font for all messages. It is possible to set a font for new massages and another font for reply messages as Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration does not give that option.
I have not found that option at the moment i wrote the blog.
This works like a charm, but it is possible to set one type of font, size and color for new mail and another for reply.
This was possible for the Classic Outlook, but it does not seem to work for the New Outlook and I have not any had luck in finding a way to do that for the New Outlook.
Previous this was done by regkeys in the HCU:\{0}\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\MailSettings -Name “TextFontSimple”, ReplyFontsimple etc.
Do you know if something similar is possible with the New Outlook.
I have not found that option at the moment i wrote the blog.
If you want to change the font colour you can do this as well with the parameter: -DefaultFontColor ‘#000000’
Thanks for the article!
I had to perform the installation using this command, otherwise it did not find the module to install:
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement