Why is my Windows Hello logon reported as Single Factor authentication?

The problem

Last week I was investigating Azure AD sign-in logs to improve security and multi-factor sign-ins. By filtering all sign-ins to show only single-factor authentication I’ve got my starting point. The filter showed more single factor authentication than expected. The endpoints in this tenant are configured for Windows Hello for Business so i did expect these logons as multi-factor ones instead of single-factor authentications.

I had to make sure these sign-ins where not using username/password. Authentication details shown that the user was using Windows Hello. So, a i have a valid PRT (Primary Refresh Token) and so a claim. Then why did my sign-in reported single factor?

At this point Rudy Ooms was able to reproduce the issue in a different tenant. We started investigating why and found it!

Where did we go wrong?

Early in the Azure Multi-Factor days most people configured Per-user MFA. This can be set to enabled, disabled or enforced.

  • When you have disabled per-user MFA. You will NOT BE required to have MFA, so single-factor it is.
  • When you have disabled per-user MFA and you are using Windows Hello, you are making use of the “Strong Windows Hello Authentication”
  • When you have enforced per-user MFA, you will BE required to have MFA, so multi-factor it is.
  • When you have enforced per-user MFA and you are using Windows Hello, the MFA requirement is already satisfied by the claim in the token

Probably, when using a older tenant or having Azure AD identities which do exist for over a few years they could still be configured with Per-user MFA. Maybe u forgot to disabled it while migrating to Conditional Access policies?

Open up Azure AD -> Users -> Per-User MFA

Check if your users have enabled, enforced or disabled MFA status. Users who have disabled MFA will report a single-factor logon! Users who have enforced MFA will report a multi factor logon! Even while using Windows Hello!

To be clear. If MFA status is enforced your sign-in reports will show multi-factor like below.

What should i do?

It’s not a big problem to have both enabled but this can be confusing. Maybe a user still receives MFA prompts while the Conditional Access policies do not require one. You should have a single pane of glass for monitoring and therefor its recommended to only use Conditional Access.

Big thanks to Rudy Ooms! Check his blog post about MFA/CA to!

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2 thoughts on “Why is my Windows Hello logon reported as Single Factor authentication?

  1. Hoi Joey,
    Even een vraag. Sinds gisteren is het mij opgevallen dat gebruikers geen MFA meer hoeven toe te passen op hun Windows device. Nu lees is wat artikelen dat dit komt door Windows Hello Business.

    Is het mogelijk om Windows Hello Business te exlude als een MFA method?

    Hoor het graag van je!

    1. Hi Eren,

      WHfB is in feite een MFA methode. Het device en de identity combinatie kun je zien als MFA. Kan zomaar zo zijn dat er bijvoorbeeld al een valide claim in het sign-in token is opgenomen waardoor secundaire MFA’s worden overgeslagen. Heb je een voorbeeld van Azure AD sign-in logs waar dit wel nog goed ging en waar dit niet meer goed ging?

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